We are proud to announce that GlassBottleOutlet will be moving to a new location that is better suited to our growing needs! The address of our new warehouse is 110 West Interlake Boulevard, Lake Placid, Florida 33852. All other means of communication will remain the same, the only change is our new address effective January 1, 2018.
Please be advised that during the week of our big move, December 26th – December 31st, our website will be inactive and unable to accept or process any orders. We expect to be settled in our new warehouse and ready to process orders on January 1, 2018! However, customer service agents will be able to accept calls regarding product questions and existing orders beginning on December 27, 2017.
We thank you in advance for your patience and understanding during this transition. We also encourage you to place your orders now for any product you may anticipate the need for during the time frame of our move.