It's so easy to overexpose your skin to the harmful rays of the sun during the summer months. Whether you are gardening or playing at the beach, it doesn't take long b efore you have a sunburn, or you're pretty close to one. Here is an excellent DIY recipe that will become one of your "m ust h ave " product s during the summer season!
This all-natural After-Sun Lotion is packed full of rich, skin healing ingredients to nourish overexposed skin and help relieve the burn.
- Cocoa butter is one of nature's richest moisturizers a s it is high in fatty acids, which enhances skin pe netration improv ing skin moisture , retention , and elasticity.
- Coconut oil, like cocoa butter, also contains medium chain fatty acids which provide the energy your skin needs to heal itself.
- Olive oil penetrates deeply into the skin without clogging pores and contains antioxidants that help neutralize the free radicals that cause skin damage.
- Aloe V era gel has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, and also contains active compounds that may decrease pain.
- Lavender essential oil is great for healing, cooling and soothing irritated skin and smells awesome !
So, let's get started! You will need the following:
3 tablespoons Aloe Vera gel
1 tablespoon Olive Oil
2 tablespoon Coconut Oil
1 tablespoon Cocoa Butter
15 drops of Lavender essential oil
(or larger) g
lass jar
Simply measure out all of your ingredients into a glass bowl and mix into a creamy paste. You m ay find that you need to warm up the cocoa butter and coconut oil a bit. Pour your lotion into your container. I get all my plastic and glass containers from . Store in a cool, dark place and this lotion should last for the summer. You can also stor e your lotion in the refrigerator as it will feel tha t much better on a wicked sunburn .
Of course, it is always best to prevent sunburn in the first place by always using sunscreen BEFORE you head out in the sun. But , in case you or someone you love forgets, try this super soothing A fter - S un Lotion remedy.
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